english lesson


Was sich im Englischen alles verbirgt

April 2001

Es begann mit einem Ausdruck der Freude über eine Geschichte.


I throw me away...
I think he doesnt have all the cups in the cupboard!!!
My Lovely Mister Singer Club. You must be on the Woodway.
I should me better me nothing you nothing out of the dust making. Am yes a clever-mountainer!
AAARGH! Ihr quält meinen Sinn für Grammatik und Rechtschreibung. Gnade!!
Ansonsten: You all tick not whole right.
Keep on the carpet.
I know I am a joke-cookie.
I can not believe what i on my Picture-umbrella read. You are yes spinned through!
Funbirds all countries unite you!
We are all poor pigs - must our time kill with.....
NEIN! Ich kann nicht mehr. Das widerstrebt mir zu arg.
Haha we all doing as if we where bloody beginners in english and we are all ticking trough!!!
Do you know the german rightwritereform?
When we all pigs are, who is our pig-priest?
Wenn ich aus dem Fenster seh, muss ich an ein Lied denken: "Little-Snow-flake, Little-White-Skirt, when come you snown..."
You my dear Bako
Equal goes it loose...
go further, but go
I war my go-stop over-meadows.
have you ever been to rabbitmanmountain?
I think yes. Have you ever been in Bookwood?
yes, but I have never been at the black forest hospital.
Is Black Forest Hospital not the Far-See-Series with the doctors and the sisters?
The name of the doctor was Bingman
There was a Oversister Hildegard, or not?
... and the smartie Doctor
Have you ever been to haircastle?
Oh yes, very often was i there. Have you ever been in Monk-en-slippery-creek? (Mönch-en-glad-bach, naja glad und glatt...)
Yes of kurs. At the Bökelmountain. How about stupidvillage?
Oh yes. Do you know There-mouth? Or Eating?
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. And Pigforth
I was once in Pigforth. Do you know Bathing-Bathing?
I know it. Do you know intestinescity?
From the Name, yes! Do you know Dad-the-drilling? And do you have a Toe-D-Rome-Run-plant in your Computer?
Uhhh yeah! Do you have steel springs in your car?
Do you have a Suitcase-Space in your car?
Sorry, but I make that no longer with. You make me drive out of my skin. I hope the one who wrote this text will be pulled to calculating-shaft! On the long sight he will not come far with this onstanding!
Hawkeye ist from stupidvillage.
not true! I'm from Duesselvillage, not stupidvillage. I may be living close to the "no other valley" but I ain't a noothervalleyer!
I lived in adviceingen ten years ago.
Yeah. Those guys are heavy on wire, but there a lot of sundaydrivers in Advicingen
Do you have a Suitcase-Space in your car?
Do you know the city of Empty?
It is almost in the same corner like williport.
Yes, and Get-Land is not far from there.
How about bath love jumping or brownquiet?
Do you remeber sausages? Where bimei is from?

Irgendwann später...

I only understand railroad station
You just again-awaked an old Thread. That's the ground why you can't find the twine anymore
...wenn mich jetzt mein Englisch-Lehrer saehe...
oh... yes... that is maybe the reason... i finded it when i sit here at the work and just surfed here around...
(wie gut, dass auch mein englisch-lehrer hier nicht sieht)
You see! That's the ground. Even a blind chicken can find a wheat
yes and that is auch good so.
*look on the uhr* ohhh! now its celebration-none. i go home now

Uff... :D

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